Understanding Developmental Stages from Birth to 5
During this session, participants will learn information about the developmental stages of young children. This information will help foster families’ understanding of what to expect from their child’s growth and abilities and provide early alerts if additional support is needed.
Book Nook: Using Books at Home to Support Literacy and Language Development
During this session, participants will explore literacy and language development in early childhood. Participants will learn new approaches to increasing children’s interest in reading while strengthening language skills. This session will focus on birth to preschool-aged children.
Family Engagement Virtual Listening Sessions
DC Child Care Connections (DC CCC) is conducting virtual listening sessions with DC families to learn more about your views and experiences with early childhood education and care in the District.
Family Engagement Virtual Listening Sessions
DC Child Care Connections (DC CCC) is conducting virtual listening sessions with DC families to learn more about your views and experiences with early childhood education and care in the District.
Wellness Workshop: Eating Smart, Being Active
DC CCC in partnership with the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) at the University of the District of Columbia will be hosting an 8-week nutrition and wellness series for families. During the series, held in English and Spanish, participants will have an opportunity to learn about healthy eating habits and the importance of being active. All participants will receive a wellness resource kit and grocery store gift cards. Space is limited.
Taking Care of Yourself and Your Children During the Pandemic
This workshop will help families gain an understanding of stressors and identify strategies to lessen stress levels, including participating in activities that promote physical health and mental well-being.
Family Engagement Virtual Listening Sessions
DC Child Care Connections (DC CCC) is conducting virtual listening sessions with DC families to learn more about your views and experiences with early childhood education and care in the District.
Lifelong Learning: The Benefits of Workforce Development for Self, Family and Community
In this interactive workshop, families will learn about lifelong learning through workforce development programs and how such programs promote self-efficacy and positive outcomes for families and communities. Participants will also […]
Baby Signs
Baby sign language is manual signing that allows infants and toddlers to communicate about emotions, desires and objects before spoken language development. Using the Baby Signs curriculum, families will learn […]