
Latest Past Events

DC Common Core Early Learning Standards (DC CCELS) 201

DC Child Care Connections 2041 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave SE, Suite 236, Washington

CCDBG Topic: Child Development Description: This highly interactive training will provide participants with a deeper dive into the DC CCELS to build a foundation for high-quality care and education for all children from birth to pre-kindergarten. The training will use group discussions, hands-on activities and video clips to allow participants to explore the four components […]


Training for Mandated Reporters

OSSE: 1050 First Street NE, Rooms 1050 First Street NE, Washington

CCDBG Topic: Recognition and reporting of child abuse and neglect Description: Training for Mandated Reporters contains definitions, examples and signs of child abuse and neglect, numerous resources and DC legal codes, helpful tips for mandatory reporters and interactive learning checks to confirm you learned important concepts. After you complete this training, you should be able […]


Etapas de desarrollo para niños desde 3 a 5 años (español) (Developmental Milestones for Ages 3-5 in Spanish)

OSSE: 1050 First Street NE, Rooms 1050 First Street NE, Washington

CCDBG Topic: Prevention of shaken baby syndrome, abusive head trauma, and child maltreatment Description: Este taller ofrece un resumen de las etapas típicas de desarrollo para los niños entre las edades de tres y cinco años en las áreas siguientes: comunicación, motricidad gruesa, motricidad fina, social-emocional, cognitivo. Este taller también ofrece estrategias de muestra de […]
