Artsy Thursday
During Artsy Thursday, families will learn how to craft easy to make sock puppets. Families are encouraged to register in advance to receive supplies for this event.
Family Friday
Take an imaginary carpet ride through the clouds with sight and sound! Families are invited to join DC CCC for this interactive session that explores ways to promote creativity and storytelling at home. This session is offered in both English and Spanish.
What is Your Child’s Love Language?
During this workshop, families will be introduced to a host of hands-on activities designed to explore the various ways young children communicate. Participants will learn new and interesting ways of communicating with babies, toddlers and preschool-aged children.
Strength-based Parenting
The transition from preschool to kindergarten presents many changes for young children. This workshop is designed to assist families as they approach this transition. Facilitators will provide tools and encourage dialogue that promotes readiness for kindergarten.
ARTboretum at the National Arboretum
The Friends of the National Arboretum (FONA) is partnering with DC CCC to bring ARTboretum to FONA’s annual Garden Fair and Plant Sale. ARTboretum is a family-friendly event celebrating the intersection between art and nature. The child-centered, family-focused event for children ages 2 to 11 will include a planting demonstration, a book giveaway and nature-based crafts. Space is limited and registration is required.
Prioritizing Self-Care
Supporting and caring for young children can be a significant undertaking. Engaging in self-care can help families simultaneously prioritize their well-being while meeting the needs of the young children in their care. This workshop will focus on self-care strategies that promote balance, health and restoration.
Baby Signs
Baby sign language is manual signing that allows infants and toddlers to communicate about emotions, desires and objects before they are able to develop spoken language. Using the Baby Signs curriculum, families will learn strategies and techniques to communicate with infants and toddlers using sign language.
Discover Summer with DC Public Library
Join DC Public Library (DCPL) for a presentation about Discover Summer, their exciting all-ages summer learning program. Families will learn about the program as well as simple and engaging activities to build early literacy skills at home. Families will also receive information about free resources, services and programs available through DCPL.
Ready for Pre-K Community Playdate
Fort Davis Recreation Center 1400 41st Street, SE, Washington, DCFor families and with young children ages 0-5.
Summer Safety
Summer is often a time for warm weather and outdoor fun for families with young children. This workshop will provide families with helpful tips and recommendations to promote safety throughout the summer season. Families will learn about sun and water safety, skin care, travel considerations, COVID-19 safety and much more.