DC Child Care Connections (DC CCC) is the District’s child care resource and referral (CCR&R) program. DC CCC helps families find child care and resources that ensure the healthy growth and development of children birth to age 5. DC CCC may be reached at (202) 829-2500, (202) 678-0027 or OSSE.dcchildcareconnections@dc.gov.
Family Connections March 2025 Workshops
Funding Alert!
The Funding Alert is a free resource produced by Serve DC highlighting grant opportunities and resources for community-based, faith-based, 501(c)(3) nonprofits, and District Government agencies. For Economic Development grants and opportunities, […]
Summary of Current Efforts to Support Business Practices
OSSE in collaboration with grantees – the Building and Sustaining Quality in Early Care and Education (BSQECE) and the Quality Improvement Network (QIN) – has compiled a compendium of current efforts and resources to support the business practices of child development centers and homes.
COVID-19 Resources for Families, Providers and Communities
Keep up-to-date on the Coronavirus in the DC area. Find resources on food programs, school resources and activities just for kids.
Child Care Recovery Best Practices
The health, safety, and security of our children and child care staff are everlasting concerns and critical factors in early learning and development.
Family Connections
We have worked with community partners to identify a series of daily resources and activities from nationally-recognized organizations that families can use to keep children engaged and to continue the learning process. All resources are developmentally appropriate for the ages specified and are aligned to the DC Early Learning Standards.
Family Connections April 2020 Resources
View this document visit the links to access all the resources available to parents and families during this time.
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Academy of Pediatrics is an organization of 66,000 pediatricians committed to the optimal physical, mental, and social health and well-being for all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults.
Promoting Positive Behavior to Prevent Suspensions and Expulsions
The District of Columbia understands the importance of fostering children’s social and emotional growth, promoting positive behavior, and preventing the escalation of behaviors that may lead to suspension and expulsion of children from birth to age 5 in child development facilities.